The most amazing, kind, and eclectic people from one end of the U.S. to the other – literally – come together as a team. Vicky, hard working, smiling, accepting, giddy – this lady works, works, works and truly enjoys herself whether washing a bus, or like today cutting watermelons, packing Styrofoam containers with fresh grilled still sizzling hamburgers and my favorite. Corn. She really does it all. I love her spirit.
Sammy, OMG, twenty one, quietly smiles, paints, interacts with children, elders, so versatile. I love her spirit. Stephanie, again smiling, inquisitive, kind, takes charge and registers some reluctant children and some willing; some mothers, like mothers everywhere, push their children to sign up, “do”, they say, “that run/walk participate!” I love Stephanie’s spirit and honor her as a loving mother.
Ruth, Ruth, forever going tagging the ‘ants in the pants’ kids with a number on paper using a sharp needle, minding carefully not to prick their tender skin and without her glasses! Her gentle hands sewing fabric, repairing. I love her 81 years spirit. Then our two men, Ken and 14 year old Alex.
Yes, Alex is a man; he has had his bar mitzvah, so quick doing his part with lifting and setting up chairs. He uses his analytical mind, packing heavy boxes onto a dolly, and still takes time to participate in the activities. I honor this young man’s spirit.
Ken, works, socializes, helps with chairs, enjoys the idea of volunteering, packs the truck, walks out and meets the local people, is soothed by the lotions and sprays of the medicine woman. He is honored.
Cindy, business, works very hard to ensure our safety, feeds us – our bodies and our souls. Saw her Disney self come out with the children, beautiful. Her spirit is complex and I love it. Thank you all for accepting me, my heart seeks only peace, but I am a warrior to the marrow of my bones. This is the conflict that I live with every day.